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How to pass a nicotine test if you vape (6 easy & quick ways)

Nov 02,2023 | VAPES.BAR

Cigarettes and e-cigarettes have one thing in common and that's NICOTINE.
If you want to quit smoking cigarettes and are looking for a better alternative, a vape pen could be just what you need.
But you need to be aware that vaping also exposes you to nicotine, and you'll definitely be flagged if you go for a drug test.
The reason you're reading this is because you're wondering if there's a way to pass a nicotine test after vaping. Newsflash: there is, and we're going to tell you how.

Ways to Bypass a Nicotine Drug Test

The truth is, vaping on the same day as your nicotine test is never advisable, as it makes it quite difficult to pass the test.

If you know in advance that you have to pass a nicotine test, it's always best to switch to a brand of vape juice with a lower nicotine level.

All vape juices come with a nicotine level, so you should make sure you choose the ones with less nicotine, as this will help to flush the nicotine out of your system faster.

The nicotine content of e-cigarettes or vaping products is usually clearly stated on the packaging or product description. If a brand states that their product contains nicotine, but does not specify the exact amount or concentration, it is best to avoid that product. Nicotine levels are an important factor to be aware of, especially for those who want to reduce their nicotine intake by switching from traditional cigarettes.

When choosing an e-cigarette or vape product, it is advisable to stick to well-known, reputable brands that are transparent about nicotine levels. These brands understand the importance of providing consumers with clear, accurate information to make informed choices. Brands that omit nicotine levels are likely doing so deliberately to mislead or confuse buyers.

Trusted vaping brands such as VAPES.BAR Vape and Geekvape explicitly state the nicotine levels in their products in milligrams or percentages. They may offer a range of strengths to suit light or heavy smokers. Responsible disclosure of nicotine levels demonstrates the brand's commitment to quality and consumer safety. Obfuscation of this key information should be a red flag to steer clear of the product and opt for reputable, transparent vape brands instead. Being fully informed is key.

There are certain things you need to do before going for your nicotine test;

1. Increase Water Intake

Of course, nicotine is a dehydrating substance, and you'll need a lot of fluids to replace the ones you've already lost from vaping.

Drinking plenty of water before your test will help dilute your urine sample and luckily you may pass the nicotine test.

Normally, nicotine is tested by taking samples from different parts of the body; hair, nails, saliva, urine and blood. However, the most common samples are urine and blood.

So if you want to have any chance of passing a nicotine urine test, you need to drink plenty of water to help detoxify and flush out waste products from your liver and kidneys.

Another way to pass a nicotine test is to use a strong detox drink or perhaps detox pills. Some detox pills claim to mask the toxins for a few hours, so you could try this. But be aware that these detox pills won't remove the toxins from your body, as they will be released back into your system as they are processed.

However, if you have a lot of time on your hands, it's best to detox naturally.

2. Macujo method

Remember, we mentioned that hair samples are used to test for the presence of nicotine in the body. So if you are going to be tested with your hair, the only way to pass the test is to successfully remove the nicotine from your hair, and FYI, nicotine can remain in your hair for up to 90 days.

To do this, you'll need to use the Macujo method and not just cheap products. The Macujo Method is the best known method of removing toxins from your hair follicles. This process is effective because it opens up your cuticles and eliminates any trace of nicotine in your hair.

The only downside to this process is that you may end up damaging your hair by exposing it to a lot of harsh chemicals.

The ingredients you'll need to wash your hair to get rid of nicotine include salicylic acid shampoo, acetic acid vinegar and Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid.

When using any of these products on your hair, make sure you use rubber gloves for your hands and good quality goggles to protect your eyes.

Wash your hair at least every day for a week before your nicotine test and it should do the trick.

3. Neutralising mouthwash

Most nicotine tests don't include a saliva sample because it's easy to tamper with. So if you're tested with just your saliva, you're in luck.

If you're not a heavy vaper, all you need to do is stop vaping for at least a week before you're tested.

There are usually brands of mouthwash that can neutralise your saliva for a few hours. Using these few hours for your saliva nicotine test will help you pass it without any problems. You'll also need to drink plenty of water if you're doing the saliva test, and make sure you swirl it around your mouth with each swallow.

There are also neutralising nicotine gums that you can use 15 minutes before your test. Simply place a capsule in your mouth and chew. However, the faint odour may give you away, so this is not the best way to do a saliva test.

Just use a strong mouthwash at least three times a day for about a week and you should be fine.

4. Detox pills

Using detox pills is perfect if you're going for a blood nicotine test, and it's even better if you have up to a week before the test.

Of course, nicotine doesn't stay in the blood for more than three days, but if you're a heavy vape user, there could be traces of cotinine concentrates in your blood for up to 14 days.

The best way to cheat a blood nicotine test is to reduce your nicotine intake or to quit smoking altogether for about 10 days before the test.

During your period of abstinence, you can take a natural detox drink or pills, as this will speed up the rate at which the toxins leave your bloodstream.

Ideally, if you go 10 days without vaping, your bloodstream should be clean of any toxins or nicotine, but to clear it much faster, you might want to take detox pills three times a week.

5. Change your diet

Eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables can help with detoxification. Fruits and vegetables are antioxidants that help your body's metabolism, and they can also flush nicotine out of your system quite quickly.

The truth is that most people don't even enjoy vegetables in their food because they don't taste fantastic, but they really don't know what they're missing out on.

Vegetables are very high in fibre and water, both of which are needed to speed up the process of metabolising drugs in the body.

Focus on liquids such as cranberry juice and green tea, as they'll also help clear nicotine from your body.

Vitamin C is another important vitamin to include in your diet if you are trying to pass a nicotine or drug test, as it also speeds up your metabolism.

You should also eat foods that promote bile production in the liver, as this will help to speed up the process of flushing nicotine out of your body.

Remember, don't rely on diet alone to pass a test, combine it with detox pills or other methods listed above.

6. Start working out

Yes, exercise can help flush nicotine from your body.

Regular exercise will get your blood flowing faster and you'll sweat more than usual. Your body can release waste products (nicotine/drugs) through sweating.

You don't even have to do strenuous exercise; take walks around your neighbourhood and use your bike more often.

If you're wondering how long nicotine stays in your body, we'll tell you;

How Long Does Nicotine Stay In the Body?

Most insurance companies use a urine sample to test for nicotine concentrates, and nicotine stays in the urine for no more than a week.

For this reason, insurance companies no longer test for nicotine, but instead test for "cotinine", a nicotine metabolite.

Cotinine can remain in the body for up to three weeks or sometimes a month, depending on the individual. So it's important to stay clean for at least a month if you want to pass a nicotine test.

The length of time nicotine/cotinine remains in the body depends on a number of factors, including gender, age, hormone levels, the use of certain medications and, of course, how often you vape.

What happens if you stop using nicotine for a while?

Are you worried about going through withdrawal if you don't vape for a month or so? You shouldn't be.

While it's true that you might experience headaches and dizziness, it's nothing serious or worth panicking about.

Nicotine is addictive and it's normal to feel some way when you're not using, especially if you're a frequent user.

Other nicotine withdrawal symptoms you may experience include constipation, increased hunger, tiredness and lack of concentration.

These symptoms vary from person to person, and they're usually less severe after three days. So if you can quit successfully after 3-5 days, you should have no problem quitting for a month until you pass your nicotine test.


Remember that the best way to pass a nicotine test is to stop smoking for at least 13 days. None of these methods are 100% foolproof, and it would be a shame to get into trouble for something that can be avoided.

To be on the safe side, reduce the amount of nicotine you inhale and still abstain from vaping for 10 days, and you should have no problem passing your nicotine test.

